Sugaring begins!

February 24, 2016

This winter seems to be passing us by! We’ve received more rain than snow and had temperature swings from -25 to 50!  The skating FullSizeRender (39)has been great making up for the lack of snow activities.  With no snow to cover the gardens and several warm IMG_1751days, some daffodils have popped up through the dirt.

One more sign that spring is right around the corner is the tapping of the maple trees.  Most of the tubing is up and the buckets hung in hopes of catching a few runs in the next week.  We will wait and see how accurate the forecast is!  Among other things, we need days in the low 40’s and nights in the 20’s for the sap to run.  My mouth is already watering thinking of that first taste of warm maple syrup freshly bottled!
