early morning at the boathouse
It looks like spring may have arrived finally! For a while it looked like Mother Nature mixed up the months of March and April with lots of cold, icing and snow showers during the first two weeks of April. Fortunately, the sun has come out, the grass is getting green and the trees are starting to bud. The loons are back on the lake and it is wonderful to listen to their songs along with the chorus of peepers. There is no better melody to fall asleep to!
The sugaring season is over and the buckets, tubing and tanks have been cleaned up. We had a good season so there is plenty of maple syrup available to purchase. Now it is time to clean up the property, prep the golf course for opening day and paint a few of the cottages. Our housekeeping team will begin the process of spring cleaning all the accommodations and over the next two months, TLV will come alive after its winter’s sleep.

reflections on a still morning
This summer is looking very busy! We will host three weddings, one at the beginning of the season and two at the end. Most of the summer is booked, but we do have one cottage available the week of July 2 and one cottage available the week of July 9. There are several cottages available our opening week of June 25 through July 2. If you haven’t made a reservation yet, we hope you will do so!
We are excited to see everyone this summer and especially meet all the little ones who will visit or the first time. It won’t be long before you too can wake up the call of the loons (and the smell of the bacon cooking in the kitchen)!