Lots to do!
Apologies for not updating the TLV news for a while! The past month has been crazy busy getting ready to open the doors. We have just finished another successful TLV wedding weekend with the most spectacular weather imaginable! Alex, Chloe and their guests departed with smiles on their faces after a big breakfast Sunday. We have spent the past few days cleaning up and finishing those last projects and now it is time to open the doors for the summer! Saturday night the bell will ring for the first meal of the summer and we can’t wait!

The rocking chairs are back on the front porch!
This summer we are welcoming back many staff members including Naomi and Maureen our amazing hostesses! Pat, Hannah and Lynnsey will be back at the Playhouse. (Please remember to sign up in advance if your kids plan to attend!) We are so thankful that most of our housekeepers are returning led once again by the indispensable Cassie.
Karen O’Leary is taking over the Golf Shop and golf tournaments. Karen has been George’s understudy for many years and we are excited to have her joining us full time! George and Gail are enjoying their retirement, but we anticipate see them often!!!
Safe travels to all of you vacationing with us this summer! We can’t wait to see you! For those of you who can’t make it, we will miss you! Check in frequently for news, photos and a virtual dose of TLV!

Beautiful June morning
Happy summer!!!!